There is an extremely triggering and highly graphic video currently trending on TikTok of a man live-streaming his suicide. Whilst TikTok have stated that they are doing their best to remove the video.
It has been shared across all social media platforms hundreds of thousands of times including under fake captions. Some captions on TikTok are as trivial as ‘look at the pasta I cooked tonight’ therefore children can come across the video without even searching for it.
We cannot state enough that this video is extremely distressing and we urge children, parents and carers to avoid the app whilst this video is in such high circulation.
If you have witnessed the video please seek appropriate support from a parent, carer, teacher or from any of the mental health support services below
- CALM, www.thecalmzone.net, 0800585858
- Heads Together, www.headstogether.org.uk
- Mind, www.mind.org.uk, 03001233393
- Papyrus, www.papyrus-uk.org, 08000684141
- Samaritans, www.samaritans.org, 116123