Please click here for other statutory policies
See below for all policies.
- Admissions Policy for 2025-26pdf
- Anti-Bullying Policypdf
- Assessment for Learning Policy 2024pdf
- Attendance and Punctuality Policypdf
- Attendance policy v1 1pdf
- Behaviour of Staff and Visitors on School Premisespdf
- Behaviour Policy Included as Appendix in Behaviour Policypdf
- Behaviour Policypdf
- BTEC Policy October 2024pdf
- Careers Policypdf
- Child Protection and Safeguarding Policypdf
- Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy (2)pdf
- Crisis and Bereavement policypdf
- Data Protection Policypdf
- Drugs - Education and Management of Incidentspdf
- Drugs - SWEP Management of Drugs Incidents Policy - Copypdf
- Educational Visits Policypdf
- Emergency Procedures Policypdf
- E-Safety Policypdf
- Exam Contingency Plan - Copypdf
- Exams Access Arrangements Policypdf
- Exams Archiving Policypdf
- Exams Blended Learning Policypdf
- Exams Complaints and appeals procedurepdf
- Exams Consideration Policypdf
- Exams Disability Policypdf
- Exams Emergency Evacuation Policypdf
- Exams Escalation Policypdf
- Exams GDPR Policypdf
- Exams Internal appeals procedurespdf
- Exams Non-examination Assessment Policypdf
- Exams Policy 2024-25pdf
- Exams Special Consideration Policypdf
- Exams Word Processor Policypdf
- First Aid Policy Oct 2024pdf
- Home-School Agreement Policypdf
- Information Security Policypdf
- Looked after children policypdf
- Privacy Notice for Applicantspdf
- Privacy Notice for Governorspdf
- Privacy Notice for Pupil and Parentpdf
- Privacy Notice for Staffpdf
- RSE Policypdf
- School Accessibility Plan Policypdf
- Special Educational Needs Policypdf
- Supporting pupils with medical conditionspdf