SEND Information Report
Henley-in-Arden School is supporting its students in light of the SEND Code of Practice (June 2024). This report reflects the nature of the support we provide.
Mrs Cheryl GranthamSENDCo |
Mrs Karen EllisPastoral Manager SEND |
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For what kinds of SEND do we provide?
Henley-in-Arden School is a fully inclusive school, and we are committed to ensuring that all students achieve their potential personally, socially, emotionally and academically across all areas of the curriculum. Please take a look at our SEND Policy, which you can find here.
What are our policies for identifying students with SEND and assessing their needs?
On entrance to the school, all students are screened to ascertain their learning needs and preferred learning styles. All teachers monitor carefully the progress of each student that they teach. This informal monitoring process takes place on a daily basis as part of the ongoing learning and teaching that happens in the classroom. Ongoing formal and informal discussions take place enabling us to track and identify students who are not making progress in line with their peers nationally. We then put support programmes in place, which we carefully evaluate to enable the student to make good progress. Please have a look at our flow chart below, which we hope makes this process clear. Our SENDCo is Cheryl Grantham and our Associate SENDCo is Karen Ellis. They can be contacted by telephone through the school office on 01564 79236. Alternatively you can send them a message via our contact page here.
What arrangements do we have for assessing and reviewing students’ progress towards identified outcomes?
The support of students who have been identified, by parental or teacher concerns, as being likely to benefit from intervention is carefully planned and regularly evaluated. We use both formal and informal reviews of their progress and the success of each intervention to inform decisions about next steps. If the progress a student is making is not as expected, we may ask our Educational Psychologist (Ed Psych) to assess the needs of the student. That assessment provides us with expert recommendations for the student, and the Ed Psych will be involved in the ‘assess / plan / do / review’ process.
What are our arrangements for consulting with parents of students with SEND in their child’s education/learning pathway?
At our school, parents are actively encouraged to be partners in their child’s education through informal discussions, telephone contact, their Planner, SEND progress reviews and teachers’ written yearly reports. Parents’ views are also collected and analysed annually via online surveys.
What are our arrangements for involving students with SEND in their own education and in the life of the school as a whole?
We recognise that it is important to involve all students, regardless of SEND, in their learning and in the decisions that are made about our school and the educational experience we provide. Students on the Support List have opportunities to develop the social and emotional confidence for their voices to be heard and views listened to. We have an active school council and school leadership team through which all students’ views are represented and therefore can inform decisions on key aspects of learning and teaching. A member of the SEND team has specific responsibility for SEND students’ pastoral care; this includes meeting with students and conducting pupil voice sessions to ensure they are listened to and that their views inform future provision.
What are our arrangements for supporting students in moving between phases of education and in preparing for adulthood?
We consult actively with feeder primaries so that we are aware fully of the needs of the students who will be joining us. As students progress, we consult with them as to their hopes for the future, as well as their strengths, interests and preferences so that we are able to provide emotional, as well as academic support in order to make easier transitions between key stages. We also liaise with the chosen destinations of our students to ensure that transition is as positive and supportive as possible.
What is our approach to teaching students with SEND?
We are a fully inclusive school, determined to enable each student to achieve their full potential. Students may be taught in a variety of settings, including small groups, where life skills, literacy, additional PE and specialist Associate Teacher groups are used in the core subjects. Each subject teacher plans lessons to take account of the specific needs and preferences of all groups of students in each subject area, in order to ensure that the students’ needs are met. Our support staff, under the direction of the class teachers, may adapt planning to target the individual needs of the students to whom they are delivering support. We subscribe the services of the Educational Psychologist. Warwickshire Local Authority’s SEND Local Offer is available here. SEND students’ progress is monitored by Progress Leaders, Heads of Faculty and the Deputy Head.
How do we make adaptations to the curriculum and the learning environment of students with SEND?
The curriculum and teaching sequences are carefully adapted to meet the needs of individual students with SEND, following assessment of their needs. Ongoing monitoring and, if necessary, further assessment by the Ed Psych, ensure that the changing needs of a student are met. We also take all reasonable steps to modify or adapt the school environment to meet the physical needs of individual students. Opportunities for alternative pathways are provided through external agencies, including Warwickshire and Stratford-upon-Avon colleges, where applied and vocational courses are available (for example BTEC and C&G qualifications). Additional Literacy and Numeracy classes, intervention groups and 1:1 tuition supports students’ progress. All core subjects have Associate Teachers (HLTAs) attached to them.
What expertise and training to our staff have to support students with SEND?
Quality first teaching is the right of every student in the class, including those students with SEND. Teachers plan finely-targeted interventions to meet those individual needs, and Associate Teachers further adapt planning to suit the needs of individual SEND pupils where appropriate. Ongoing CPD for Teachers, Associate Teacher and Teaching Assistants addresses immediate needs as they present themselves. A CPD log detailing all specific SEND training that both the Student Support and teaching team have received to support students with SEND. The SEND noticeboard in the staff work room is kept up-to-date with the most recent publication to support specific needs.
How do we evaluate the effectiveness of the provision made for students with SEND?
The ‘assess / plan / do / review’ process for each support intervention is carefully and regularly monitored against the student’s identified needs and current targets. At formal and informal reviews, the views of parents and school adults are used to inform next steps in SEND provision for each student.
How are students with SEN enabled to engage in activities available with students in the school who do not have SEND?
As a fully inclusive school, we aim to ensure that as little distinction as possible is made between students with SEND and those who do not have SEND. We work to ensure that students on the SEND Support List are enabled to access everything offered by the school.
What support do we offer for students with social, emotional and mental health needs?
The school is determined to offer a caring and nurturing environment for all students, including those with SEND. We have a zero-tolerance policy towards bullying, and, through PHSRE and specific interventions, we aim to build emotional literacy in each individual. In particular, for example, we may tailor programmes to support any students who find social situations, peer relationships or transitions challenging. A member of the SEND team has specific responsibility for all SEND students’ pastoral care, as do Pastoral Managers.
How do we involve health and social care, local authority support services and voluntary sector organisations.
What are our arrangements for handling complaints from parents of students with SEND about the provision made at the school?
Parents who have concerns about SEND provision at our school are encouraged first to discuss the issues with their student’s form tutor. If the issue is not able to be resolved at that point, the Progress Leader or Pastoral Manager will arrange a meeting with those parents in order to discuss in full their concerns and plan next steps. If the issue cannot be resolved at this level, the parents will be directed to the school’s complaints procedure outlined on our website.
Who is the link Governor for SEND?
Stephen Moyle is the link Governor for SEND. Regular meetings are held between the SEND team and Mr Moyle.
The full HIAS SEND policy can be viewed on the policies page of our website.
Last updated June 2024